Saturday, 27 February 2021

5 one page sites to get inspiration from

Many companies decide to use a one page site for their business: here are some examples of best practices to inspire them

There are many activities that decide to use a one page site for their web communication : but what does it consist of? A one page site is a single page site and can prove to be a very suitable alternative to a larger and more complex site for those who do not want to invest large budgets in communication or want to be present on the web in an incisive way, but without excessive effort. Here are some examples of quality one page sites that can be used as inspiration when building.

One page site: the main advantages

Contrary to what some may think, the choice of creating an on page site can be very smart for businesses that do not have an excessively large number of services and products and do not want to devote large budgets to creating a multipage website.

Here are some advantages of this solution:

In today's market, having a quality site is much more important than having a large site. So it is better to take care of a one page site in every detail instead of creating too large sites that are then not updated and risk offering a poorly performing user experience to the visitor;

·         Those who have few products or services can develop everything in a one page site, avoiding having a site that actually has many pages , but poor in content;

·         At the level of economic investment, a one page site is certainly more accessible than a multipage site;

·         A one page site usually offers more performing mobile navigation than a classic multipage site;

·         A one page site does not risk confusing users, but allows them to find all the information they are looking for immediately

·         Has greater ease in the data analysis and user profiling phase because it is not necessary to follow the navigation flow between the different pages;

·         The structure of one page sites is ideal for those dedicated to lead generation strategies.

5 one page sites to be inspired by

One page sites have the advantage of guaranteeing users an immediate and simple browsing experience, but at the same time they must have a strong aesthetic appeal to conquer at first glance. Here are 5 one page sites to be inspired by:

Matt Brothers is a graphic and web designer who has chosen to promote himself through a one page site that appears clear and linear at first glance. This type of solution is very suitable for freelancers who work in the field of digital marketing or photography because it allows you to highlight your style and your best works with a single click;

Digital Hands is a creative agency in Istanbul that has created a one page site of great visual impact and with a very captivating pay off to conquer the reader and make him feel projected in their professional and creative universe;

Every Last Drop is a single page site with a visual with attention to every detail and allows the visitor to immerse themselves in their history, almost living it firsthand. This site, which wants to raise awareness on the issue of water waste, was created thanks to the Parallax Scrolling technique and leads into a completely interactive and responsible parallel world;

Logo Time is a usable one page site that performs the function of a very large and detailed portfolio;

Fleava is a digital agency that has developed a one page site with a refined and very clear design, solving all the curiosities and doubts of a possible client with timely and correctly positioned information.

What activities is it worth having a one page site?

Based on the best practices and the advantages highlighted, there are some businesses that are particularly advantageous to have a one page site and they are small businesses that want to promote their online presence, freelancers, artists and photographers who do not want a simple portfolio , but something more contemporary, small accommodation facilities, event organization activities, digital agencies, restaurants and pubs , showrooms and craft workshops.

The one page site is therefore the ideal solution for the presentation of a single service or product, also available in multiple creative variants, especially if the business decides to communicate through the use of videos and multimedia content that offer an immediate and original impact.

Posted By Abdul Rimaaz

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